925 0 How are test results handled for students who move campuses during STAAR Spring administrations?
742 0 How are students included in the accountability subset who move between the April STAAR and May STAAR administrations?
4422 0 How is the TEA identifying students in grade 12 during SY 2023-24 who received course credit during Spring/and or Summer 2020 and received the EOC COVID waiver and are required to take the corresponding subject area SAT or ACT while in high school and will they be included on the Accelerated Tester list?
1120 0 Are the Accelerated Tester requirements waived for students in grade 12 this school year (SY 2023-24) who received the 2020 COVID waiver on their grade 8 EOC?
954 0 If a student transfers to another campus within the district after the October snapshot, will their results be attributed only to the district for accountability purposes?
1966 5 If a student is enrolled in a district for the October snapshot, then tests in May in another district, where does that score get reported for accountability?
1082 4 If a middle school student takes the Algebra I EOC, to which campus are the results attributed for accountability?