846 0 If a student receives an industry-based certification at our school in the fall, but withdraws in the spring and graduates from another high school, which school gets "credit" for the certification?
1031 0 Do students count toward the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Criteria indicator if they meet the ELA/reading criteria on an assessment (SAT, ACT, or TSIA) and earn credit for a mathematics college prep course?
846 0 In reviewing my College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) data table and student listings, I’ve noticed that we did not receive points for students who were TSI exempt because of their Algebra II and English III EOC scores. Why is this?
2626 1 Will programs of study be included as an indicator for College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) for 2023?
611 0 For Accuplacer (TSIA) does TEA "super score" Accuplacer results from different administrations for CCMR purposes to take a student's best score on a component?
1144 0 Where can I find information about data sources for CCMR and academic accountability indicators?