What are Level I and Level II certificates, and how are they used in CCMR?
What are Level I and Level II certificates, and how are they used in CCMR?
According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), Level I and Level II certificates are awarded by an institution of higher education (IHE) certifying the satisfactory completion of a higher education program. Upon completion, a certificate is valid without further action on the individual's part. They are usually awarded in workforce education areas by public and private two-year institutions. Level I certificates are awarded for completing a program consisting of at least 15 and no more than 42 semester credit hours. Level II certificates are awarded for completing a program of at least 30 but not more than 51 semester credit hours.
Whereas certificates are administered by an institution of higher education, certifications are administered by a certification body, usually an organization such as a trade association or industry-approved testing entity. Certifications are often time-limited credentials for which individuals need to meet ongoing requirements to maintain the currency of the certification. Credit will be awarded in CCMR for graduates (and non-graduating 12th graders in Closing the Gaps) who have earned Level I or Level II certificates. The THECB provides TEA with Level I and Level II certificate completion data.