4396 0 How is the TEA identifying students in grade 12 during SY 2023-24 who received course credit during Spring/and or Summer 2020 and received the EOC COVID waiver and are required to take the corresponding subject area SAT or ACT while in high school and will they be included on the Accelerated Tester list?
1102 0 Are the Accelerated Tester requirements waived for students in grade 12 this school year (SY 2023-24) who received the 2020 COVID waiver on their grade 8 EOC?
836 0 For accelerated testers, how were the SAT and ACT cut points for Approaches, Meets, and Masters determined?
764 0 Can an accelerated tester still graduate if he/she does not take the SAT/ACT before graduation?
903 0 How were students identified as accelerated testers and attributed to my district’s final listing?
903 0 Are accelerated testers required to participate in ACT/SAT assessments and/or are they required to earn an acceptable (Approached Grade Level) score?
1157 0 Where can I find information about data sources for CCMR and academic accountability indicators?
1056 0 How does the agency determine whether a graduate met the criteria for dual-credit course completion for CCMR?
874 0 Are accelerated testers included in Student Achievement? If the accelerated tester moves between the fall snapshot and graduation, is their SAT/ACT assessment still included for the district/campus in which they were reported as enrolled in the fall?