What are dropout recovery schools (DRS)?
As of 2022, all campuses evaluated under alternative education accountability (AEA) will be identified as dropout recovery schools (DRS). Dropout recovery schools (DRS) are identified by two methods. First, AECs that meet the statutory DRS definition found in TEC §39.0548 are identified and preregistered for AEA. These campuses provide education services targeted to dropout prevention and [...]
How is a campus’ economically disadvantaged rate determined for accountability?
Districts are required to collect household socioeconomic information and annually report in PEIMS the economically disadvantaged status for each child. Economically disadvantaged data are used widely throughout the agency as well as for reporting to the U.S. Department of Education. This requirement is wholly independent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture requirements for providing [...]
How does TEA match Texas Success Initiative assessment (TSIA) results to students?
Districts do not report TSIA results to the agency. The College Board provides the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) with TSIA results of all Texas students. The TSIA results received from THECB are matched to annual graduates and non-graduating 12th graders from TSDS PEIMS. The results are matched to students using an algorithm which includes TSDS Unique ID, SSN, [...]
What is a paired campus?
All campuses serving prekindergarten (PK) through grade 12 must receive an accountability rating. Campuses that do not serve any grade level for which STAAR assessments are administered are paired with another campus in the same district for accountability purposes. A campus may pair with its district and be evaluated on the district’s [...]
ACT, Inc. and College Board college readiness standards are different from those used for accountability. How did the agency establish the accountability college readiness standards?
While ACT, Inc. and the College Board have their own college readiness standards, the standards used for accountability are based on the Texas Success Initiative assessment (TSIA) exemption criteria established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. For more information, please see the TSIA exemptions, exceptions, and waivers [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701