What factors determine the completion criteria for college prep courses?
Chapter 2 of the accountability manual states that a student can demonstrate College, Career, and Military Readiness by meeting Texas Success Initiative (TSI) criteria in RLA and Mathematics by successfully completing and earning credit for a college prep course as defined in TEC §28.014 and TEC §51.338. The manual describes the criteria for successful completion of a college prep course as those [...]
How are test results handled for students who move campuses during STAAR Spring administrations?
The campus that will receive the STAAR test results from the Spring administration is based on the location of enrollment in TIDE on the “Final Date to Enter Student Information for Accountability Reporting” listed on the [...]
How are students who switch between April and May STAAR exams accounted for in accountability measures?
The campus that tests the students last will be assigned the results of the administration. Here are two scenarios that help explain it, assuming they are enrolled at snapshot at the 1st campus in April. If a student moves between the April and May STAAR administrations, and tests in both, the results are assigned to the same campus as May assessment results. The campus at which the student [...]
How is the TEA identifying students in grade 12 during SY 2023-24 who received course credit during Spring/and or Summer 2020 and received the EOC COVID waiver and are required to take the corresponding subject area SAT or ACT while in high school and will they be included on the Accelerated Tester list?
For students that completed an EOC test prior to SY 2019-20, TEA used relevant Consolidated Accountability Files (CAF) to identify accelerated testers. For students that were granted COVID waivers during SY 2019-20, TEA has used course completion data to determine which students are accelerated testers. Students that earned course credit in an advanced course during Spring or Summer 2020 will be [...]
Are the Accelerated Tester requirements waived for students in grade 12 this school year (SY 2023-24) who received the 2020 COVID waiver on their grade 8 EOC?
No, students in grade 12 during SY 2023-24 who received course credit during Spring/and or Summer 2020 and received the EOC COVID waiver (e.g., grade 8 students who took Algebra I in 2020) are required to take the corresponding subject area SAT or ACT while in high [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701