Do students count toward the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Criteria indicator if they meet the ELA/reading criteria on an assessment (SAT, ACT, or TSIA) and earn credit for a mathematics college prep course?
Yes, the TSI Criteria indicator gives credit for students who meet the standards on a Texas Success Initiative assessment (TSIA), SAT, ACT, or complete and earn credit for a college prep course within the respective subject area. Students must meet the criteria for both reading and mathematics but do not have to meet both on the same assessment/course. For example, a student who met the [...]
In reviewing my College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) data table and student listings, I’ve noticed that we did not receive points for students who were TSI exempt because of their Algebra II and English III EOC scores. Why is this?
Texas Education Code §39.0238(f)(1) prohibits the use of English III and Algebra II results in state accountability; therefore, they may not be used to credit the CCMR [...]
How are student attendance rates used in determining our accountability rating?
Attendance rates are not used as an indicator to generate accountability ratings. However, the attendance rate is an indicator evaluated when determining distinction designations for academic achievement in ELA/reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. The attendance rate is based on student attendance for the entire school year for students in grades 1–12. For more information on [...]
Are results from substitute assessments used in accountability calculations?
Beginning with the December 2019 STAAR EOC administrations and beyond, substitute assessments have not been included in accountability calculations. Substitute assessments may continue to be used to meet individual student graduation requirements, as adopted under 19 TAC [...]
How do I know if a student will receive a reported EL Performance Measure?
To be eligible for receiving the EL Performance Measure, a student must a. be in his or her second year in U.S. schools at the time of taking the STAAR assessment, and b. have met all criteria and received a valid EL Performance Measure (ELPM) [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701