Why did Texas develop and implement the STAAR on-track measure?
Texas Education Code §39.034(d) mandates the development of a measure to determine the necessary annual amount of improvement required for a student to be prepared to perform satisfactorily (at or above the Meets Grade Level performance standard) on grade 5, grade 8, and End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. To meet these requirements, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) developed the STAAR on-track [...]
What is the STAAR on-track measure?
The STAAR on-track measure provides information about whether a student is on track to be at or above the Meets Grade Level performance standard in a future target year. Whether a student is on track or not is measured by using a student’s gain score (the difference between the scale score a student achieved in the previous year and the scale score a student achieved in the current year). [...]
Is the STAAR on-track measure used for the accountability rating calculation?
No. The STAAR on-track measure is not included in the accountability rating [...]
Will STAAR Progress Measures be available for 2023?
No. Due to the redesign of the reading language arts (RLA) STAAR, the inclusion of new item types in mathematics, the shift to a fully online assessment system, and required standard setting and validation processes, STAAR Progress Measures will NOT be calculated for 2022–23. Gain score STAAR Progress Measures for RLA and mathematics tests are anticipated to return in 2024 and will be reported in [...]
What if a high school campus was identified as both Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) graduation rate and CSI bottom five percent?
High schools identified as having a low graduation rate must meet or exceed the 67% federal graduation rate for two years to exit CSI graduation rate status. They must also meet both bottom five percent exit criteria to exit CSI five percent status. It is possible to exit one identification while not exiting the [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701