For accelerated testers, how were the SAT and ACT cut points for Approaches, Meets, and Masters determined?
The Meets cut points align with existing College Board standards that demonstrate that students who meet or exceed the benchmark have a substantial chance of earning at least a C in firstsemester college classes. Approaches standards were set to align with the Meets standard, and the Masters standards were set to align with Meets and the 90th percentile average for 2017, 2018, and 2019 nationwide [...]
In which domains are accelerated students included?
Performance results for accelerated testers will be included in the STAAR components of the Student Achievement; School Progress, Part B: Relative Performance; and Closing the Gaps domains. Academic Growth is not calculated for SAT/ACT results for accelerated [...]
Can an accelerated tester still graduate if he/she does not take the SAT/ACT before graduation?
Yes, if the student has met all other criteria for graduation. The accelerated testers requirement is a state-level testing requirement. It is not a student-level graduation [...]
Can you provide an example of how accelerated testers are included in participation calculations?
Smith High School has 376 students enrolled in an Algebra I course in spring 2023. The campus also has 100 accelerated seniors who took the Algebra I EOC prior to grade 9. The mathematics participation denominator for Smith High School is 476 (376 Algebra I EOC plus 100 accelerated mathematics seniors). Smith High School had 373 scored Algebra I EOC results and three students coded absent. 90 [...]
How were students identified as accelerated testers and attributed to my district’s final listing?
Final Accelerated Testers Student Listings use the PEIMS October Snapshot enrollment data for final accelerated testers assignments. The student is attributed to the campus at which the student was reported as enrolled in grade 12 on the TSDS PEIMS October [...]
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