Do districts need to upload an extra document to TIDE to add the Alternate Language Code for both TELPAS and STAAR?
No. This information is updated based on PEIMS [...]
Some of the demographic fields in TIDE are not pre-populated with data from our PEIMS upload. Should we update the blanks?
If any of the demographic fields in TIDE are blank after Cambium completes the scheduled PEIMS update, the District Testing Coordinator should update it with the values that are relevant to the student. Any updates provided in TIDE before the end of the testing window will be included in the accountability [...]
Will STAAR demographic data used in accountability still be based on how the student is reported in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) or will it be based on PEIMS reporting?
It will continue to be based on how the student is reported in the testing system. The Cambium PEIMS upload will only be used to fill in gaps for data that exists in TIDE. It will not overwrite existing data in [...]
Do accountability calculations include data from the PEIMS working collection?
No, Performance Reporting only uses data submitted during the official PEIMS submission and resubmission windows. Data submitted in the working collection is not used for accountability [...]
Will programs of study be included as an indicator for College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) for 2023?
Additional information can be found here: [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701