If a student transfers to another campus within the district after the October snapshot, will their results be attributed only to the district for accountability purposes?
The student's assessment results would not be attributed to either a campus or a district as the student fail to meet the accountability subset requirements. For more information, please refer to Chapter 1 of 2023 Accountability Manual. Results will be reported for informational purposes at the district [...]
When will the framework be finalized for the 2023 Accountability System?
The current timeline for the 2023 Accountability System Refresh is below. The 2023 Accountability System Framework will be finalized in fall [...]
What is the difference between the CCMR Verifier and the CCMR Tracker?
The CCMR Verifier contains the data for previous year graduates and non-graduating 12th graders which will be used in upcoming accountability calculations. The Verifier provides the opportunity for districts to submit data corrections for non-PEIMS related indicators. The CCMR Tracker contains the data for current 9–12 graders based on October snapshot enrollment. The Tracker is released [...]
Are kindergarten students included the English Language Proficiency (ELP) component of Closing the Gaps?
Kindergarten students are included in the ELP component of the Closing the Gaps domain if the student received a TELPAS composite rating of Advanced High. If the composite rating is not Advanced High, the student is not [...]
Will test results from June be included in 2023 accountability calculations?
No, the 2023 accountability cycle includes assessments from June 2022, fall 2022, and spring 2023. June 2023 results will be the first test administration included in the 2024 accountability [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701