If a student is enrolled in a district for the October snapshot, then tests in May in another district, where does that score get reported for accountability?
A student must test in the same campus as they were enrolled for October snapshot in order for their result to be included. If the student does not, then the student will not count for a campus or district's [...]
Can students earn a point for CCMR by participating in the Texas College Bridge?
Yes, Texas College Bridge (TCB) provides high school juniors and seniors online college preparatory courses in English and mathematics prior to enrolling in college. Completion of each of these courses should be reported as ELA/math College Prep Course in PEIMS. TCB itself does not report course completion to the [...]
Are accountability subset rules applied to the calculation of CCMR?
The accountability subset is not applied to CCMR calculations. All annual graduates (and non-graduating 12th graders in Closing the Gaps) are included in the campus from which they graduate. This applies to state and federal [...]
For Accuplacer (TSIA) does TEA "super score" Accuplacer results from different administrations for CCMR purposes to take a student's best score on a component?
We use the highest score for each subject component. For example, the ELAR subject has 3 components – ELAR CRC, ELAR Diagnostic, and Essay. The highest score for each component is searched across administrations. Moreover, the highest Essay score is used across TSIA1 and TSIA2 [...]
Do the TELPAS results included in the English Language Proficiency component (ELP) only include students that were present on the TSDS PEIMS Snapshot date? Or does it include all TELPAS scores (snapshot and non-snapshot) results?
The ELP component in the Closing the Gaps domain has a subset similar to STAAR. Results are included for students enrolled on the TSDS PEIMS snapshot AND who test at that same [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701