When do industry-based certifications earned by students "count"?
Industry-based certifications are credited to the campus from which the student graduates. When a student graduates, TEA programmers review PEIMS reporting starting from September 1st of the student's freshman year for any IBC reported (from any district in Texas) as being earned to attribute CCMR [...]
When does the district report industry-based certifications (IBC) earned by students?
The Division of College, Career and Military Preparation has specified when an IBC should be reported in relation to when it was earned. Please see the following reporting [...]
Are accelerated testers required to participate in ACT/SAT assessments and/or are they required to earn an acceptable (Approached Grade Level) score?
To fulfill federal testing requirements, and not be included as a non-participant in Closing the Gaps (Academic Achievement), accelerated testers must have a corresponding subject area SAT/ACT on file. There is not a retest requirement under ESSA if they don’t achieve a certain score, just that the students test. However, the SAT/ACT results are included (if they participated) in [...]
Who do I contact to correct the CAF?
Requests for corrections to the CAF need to be made directly to the testing contractor during the corrections window. For accountability purposes, data are considered final at the close of the corrections window. 2023-2024 Correction window dates can be found [...]
How do we know which results in the CAF are included in our accountability calculations?
Confidential student lists for STAAR performance, CCMR, and ELP will be made available through TEAL [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701