How am I supposed to read the CAF?
The CAF is a large, complex data file. Specialized software is required to view it. Annually, the agency produces a data file format, which describes each field found in the CAF. You may download the relevant data file [...]
What is the Consolidated Accountability File?
The testing contractor provides TEA, ESCs, and school districts with a Consolidated Accountability File (CAF), which contains all performance results as well as all demographic and program information for every student. Accountability calculations are based on the [...]
Why was military enlistment excluded for 2022?
Due to discrepancies between annual enlistment counts for Texas military enlistees aged 17-19 released by the Department of Defense and those reported in TSDS PEIMS, TEA excluded military enlistment data from both CCMR accountability and outcomes bonus calculations in 2022. * The military enlistment indicator is scheduled to return for 2024 accountability based on a new data collection as [...]
What information can be found in the TEAL Accountability Application?
Unmasked data related to accountability ratings, the public education grant list, alternative education accountability registration, pairing, and appeals are in the TEAL Accountability application. Additionally, confidential student lists for STAAR performance, CCMR, and ELP are available through the [...]
How do I gain access to the TEAL Accountability Application?
To apply for access to a TEAL account: Go to the TEA Login page. Click Request New User Account. Fill in the form and submit it. You will receive an email with your account information. Apply for access to the Accountability application by selecting My Application Accounts > Request New [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701