If a student's reported racial/ethnic value is different in each of the individual assessment files (STAAR 3–8, STAAR EOC, or TELPAS), which race/ethnicity is used?
The accountability results are based on the demographic information from the Consolidated Accountability File (CAF) which includes only one racial/ethnic value. The CAF provides the most recent demographic information saved in [...]
Who are the members of the accountability advisory group?
TAAG is comprised of representatives from school districts, legislative offices, and the business community, to identify issues critical to the accountability system and makes recommendations/provides feedback on major policy issues. The committee's recommendations/feedback are sent to the commissioner of education who makes the final decisions on the accountability system. For more information [...]
Who helped TEA develop the state accountability rating system?
Previously, the Texas Education Agency convened two advisory groups, the Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) and the Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC), to develop key provisions of the state academic accountability system. These groups were instrumental in the establishment of the current accountability system and are central to its continued development and [...]
What is a campus comparison group?
Campus comparison groups are used to determine which campuses earn distinction designations. Distinction designations are awarded to campuses for outstanding performance in relation to 40 other similar campuses. Each campus is assigned to a unique comparison group comprised of Texas schools that are most like it. A campus earns a distinction designation if it is in the top quartile (Q1) of its [...]
If a middle school student does not pass the Algebra I EOC and retests during the summer, which campus is credited for the retest?
If the student meets the standard on the retest, the result is included in the accountability calculations for the middle school in the next accountability cycle. If the student fails and retests again during the fall, the result is included in the accountability calculations for the campus at which he or she is enrolled in the [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701