Which assessment is included in accountability if a grade 8 student takes the grade 8 mathematics STAAR and the Algebra I EOC? Which campus is held accountable?
If a student takes both the Algebra I EOC and grade 8 STAAR mathematics assessments, only the Algebra I EOC result is used in accountability calculations. The assessment results are reported as Algebra I on accountability reports to the campus the student was reported as enrolled in [...]
If a middle school student takes the Algebra I EOC, to which campus are the results attributed for accountability?
The assessment results are reported as Algebra I on accountability reports to the campus the student was reported as enrolled in [...]
Where does TEA get the information for years in U.S. schools and asylee, refugee, and SIFE status?
To apply exclusions for years in U.S. schools or for unschooled asylee, unschooled refugee, or students with interrupted formal education (SIFE) status, TEA must receive a current year, scored TELPAS document. The years in U.S. schools and asylee, refugee, or SIFE information is saved in TIDE. If a student does not have a current year TELPAS, the EL rules are not [...]
How is the EL performance measure calculated?
The EL performance measure is only calculated for EB students/ELs in their second year in U.S. schools. For more information about how it is calculated, please see Setting Performance Measure Progress Expectations on STAAR for English Learners on the Assessment Scoring and Reporting [...]
How are STAAR results for EB students/ELs included in each of the domains?
Emergent Bilingual students/English learners (EB students/ELs) who are year one in U.S. schools are excluded from all accountability performance calculations. EB students/ELs who are year two in U.S. schools are included in STAAR performance indicators using the EL performance measure. STAAR Alternate 2 assessment results are included regardless of an EB student/EL's years in U.S. schools. [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701