What are the consequences of having a participation rate less than 95 percent?
Should the participation rate for the all students group or any student group fall below 95 percent, the denominator used for calculating performance in the Closing the Gaps Academic Achievement component will be adjusted to include the necessary number of assessments to meet the 95 percent threshold. The performance results shown on the Closing the Gaps domain data table account for any [...]
Is the accountability subset applied to participation calculations?
What is meant by "Ever EL" in the Closing the Gaps domain?
Ever ELs are students reported in TSDS PEIMS as Emergent Bilingual students/English learners (EB students/EL) at any time while attending grades 9–12 in a Texas public school. This student group is used in the Federal Graduation Status component of the Closing the Gaps [...]
How does TEA conduct small numbers analysis on the CCMR component of Closing the Gaps?
If the all students group has fewer than 10 students, TEA conducts small numbers analysis, as described below. A three-year-average CCMR rate is calculated for all students group. The calculation is based on an aggregated three-year uniform average using the district's or campus's CCMR data. The all students group is evaluated if the three-year sum has at least 10 annual graduates plus students [...]
What if a 12th grade student was reported in attendance at multiple campuses during the final six weeks?
If a student was reported in attendance at more than one campus during the last six weeks, the student is removed from all campuses at which he/she was reported and will not appear on a CCMR list for any [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701