How are 12th grade students identified for inclusion in the CCMR component of Closing the Gaps?
The Closing the Gaps CCMR denominator is annual graduates plus students in grade 12 who did not graduate. This includes grade 12 students who were in attendance during the last six weeks of the school year but did not graduate, as reported in TSDS PEIMS attendance [...]
What does "Minimum Number of Evaluated Indicators" mean with respect to whether a component is evaluated?
Each component in Domain III has a minimum number of indicators/students groups that meet minimum size to be included in the Closing the Gaps calculation. They are as follows.: Academic Achievement-minimum of four indicatorsAcademic Growth Status-minimum of four indicatorsStudent Achievement Domain Score: STAAR Component Only-minimum of three indicatorsFederal Graduation Status-minimum of one [...]
How many indicators must meet minimum size for a component to be evaluated?
Academic Achievement-minimum of four indicators Academic Growth Status-minimum of four indicators Student Achievement Domain Score: STAAR Component Only-minimum of three indicators Federal Graduation Status-minimum of one indicator CCMR Performance Status-minimum of one indicator See Chapter 4 of the 2023 Accountability Manual for details on the minimum size requirements for [...]
How many results are required for a student group to be evaluated?
The minimum size for Domain III components are as follows: Academic Achievement: 10 RLA and 10 Math assessments Growth: 10 RLA and 10 Math assessments Graduation: Student groups are evaluated if there are at least 10 students in the class. This component is evaluated if at least one student group meets minimum size requirements. ELP: This component is evaluated if there are at least 10 [...]
What is the minimum size requirement for the Closing the Gaps domain to evaluated?
A campus must have 10 RLA and 10 mathematics assessment results for the all students group and meet minimum size for at least four indicators in the Academic Achievement component to be evaluated on the Closing the Gaps domain. If a campus does not meet minimum size, the Closing the Gaps domain is not [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701