Is Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) identified yearly?
Yes, TSI is identified yearly, so there are no exit criteria. If you do not meet criteria to be in the following year you are not [...]
How is Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) identified?
TSI identifies campuses with at least one consistently underperforming student group. A student Group that misses the targets in at least the same three indicators for three consecutive years, is considered “consistently underperforming”. Note: TSI and ATS must evaluate each federally required group—no super groups. Note: minimum size criteria is 10 tests or 10 graduates for 2023 and [...]
What is Additional Targeted Identification (ATS)?
The federal definition for ATS is “Targeted support and improvement: Additional targeted support and improvement: Public schools (Title I and non-Title I) with one or more subgroups performing as poorly as the lowest performing 5 percent of Title I schools identified for CSI.” It’s the Closing the Gaps score that is the cut of the lowest 5% that each group is compared [...]
How does graduation rate factor within Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)?
If any Title I or non-Title I campus doe does not attain a 66.7 percent six-year federal graduation rate for the All Students group, the campus is identified for CSI.For more information refer to Chapter 10 of the 2023 Accountability [...]
How is Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Identified?
A Title I campus with a Closing the Gaps (CTG) scaled score in the bottom five percent of their school type is identified for CSI. TEA determines the bottom five percent of the CTG outcomes by rank ordering the scales scores of Title I campuses by school type—elementary, middle, high school/K – 12, ad alternative education accountability. TEA then determines which campuses fell in the bottom [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701