Why do I see three-digit unique identifiers for some IBCs and certifying entities while others have four-digit identifiers?
Adding a fourth digit was necessary as additional IBCs were added to the list. IBCs that were on the previous list will retain their original 3-digit [...]
Some IBCs seem to have changed their names slightly but have the same unique identifiers. Are these the same IBCs as those on the previous IBC list?
The names of IBCs have been updated to reflect the official names. If an IBC has the same unique identifier as in previous years, it is the same [...]
What criteria were used to evaluate the IBCs?
Six evaluation criteria are defined in 19 TAC §74.1003. The six criteria are certification, industry recognized and valued, attainable by a high school student, portable, certifying entity, and capstone or end-of-program. More information on the evaluation criteria and review process is available [...]
How often is the IBC list updated?
New developments in industry occur regularly; therefore, TEA will update the IBC list every two [...]
What is the purpose of the approved Industry-Based Certification (IBC) list?
TEC §39.053 requires the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to account for high school students who earn an industry-based certification as one indicator within the student achievement domain of the state’s public school accountability system. The purpose of the IBC list is to identify certifications that prepare students for success in the workforce, military, or postsecondary [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701