How do I compare my child’s school to similar schools?
Visit the School Comparison Tool on [...]
Where can I find more parent resources to support my child?
Visit the Parent Resources page on [...]
I’m moving. How can I find the best school for my child?
To find the best school for your child, enter your address, city, or zip code in the School Finder on You can also use advanced filtering features to narrow down schools by rating, type, offerings, designations, and [...]
Why aren’t schools with D’s and F’s rated in 2022?
Senate Bill (SB) 1365, 87th legislative session (2021), requires a Not Rated label for 2022 unless the district or campus earns an A, B, or C. Rating Label Cut Points Rating Label Scaled Score A scaled score 90–100 B scaled score 80–89 C scaled score 70–79 Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365 scaled score [...]
Where can I learn more about the accountability system in Texas?
Visit the How Accountability Ratings Work webpage on [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701