What does the overall rating tell me about my child’s school and district?
Overall ratings are calculated based on performance in three key areas. We take the higher score between how much students know (Student Achievement) or how much better students are doing than last year(School Progress) or than peers in similar schools (Relative Performance). We then consider whether performance gaps exist among different groups of students (Closing the [...]
Why are school accountability ratings important?
School ratings help Texas public schools meet the educational needs of all students by providing the information they need to assess and improve their schools. Ratings provide a look into how your child’s school is performing in different areas, including STAAR Performance; English language acquisition; Graduation Rates; and [...]
Why do we have school accountability ratings?
School ratings are one of many ways to determine how well your child’s school is preparing them for the next grade and success after high school. Ratings also help us determine whether schools are serving all [...]
Where can I learn more about how my child’s school and district performed?
Visit TXschools.gov to learn about how your child’s school is preparing them for the next grade level and success after high [...]
How do we ensure our IEP continuers are not counted in our graduation rate going forward?
TEA calculates two sets of longitudinal graduation rates for accountability and reporting purposes: state accountability rates (used in the Student Achievement Domain) and federal accountability/reporting rates (used in the Closing the Gaps Domain). IEP continuers are excluded, per state statute, from state accountability rate calculations. Per federal reporting guidelines, IEP continuers are not [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701