What is the purpose of the EL Performance Measure?
The EL Performance Measure was developed to address the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement for reporting academic growth for ELs in their second year in U.S. [...]
What is the Texas STAAR EL Performance Measure?
The Texas STAAR® EL Performance Measure shows whether or not an eligible EL is making sufficient progress on each STAAR content-area assessment based on predetermined performance measure progress expectations. The subject-specific STAAR performance measure progress expectations take into account the level of English language proficiency ELs possess, as well as the time needed to acquire [...]
How is the STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure used?
STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure outcomes will be provided on STAAR Alternate 2 data files and will be used for accountability purposes. The STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure will be included in the Family Portal to help parents gauge their child’s academic progress from the prior year to the current year. However, it will not be included on the STAAR Alternate 2 student report card. [...]
What is the STAAR Alternate 2 Progress Measure?
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 Progress Measure provides information about the amount of improvement or growth that a student has made in a subject area. This measure is based on a comparison of a student’s test score last year with his or her score this year. The STAAR Alternate 2 Progress Measure is based on a student’s stage change [...]
How is the STAAR on-track measure used?
Scale scores and performance levels convey information about how a student performed in the current year. The STAAR progress measure communicates how much the student has improved from the previous year to the current year. The STAAR on-track measure provides additional information by determining whether the student’s current performance level combined with the student’s progress from [...]
Division of Performance Reporting
Texas Education Agency
1701 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701