How is the STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure used?
How is the STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure used?
STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure outcomes will be provided on STAAR Alternate 2 data files and will be used for accountability purposes. The STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure will be included in the Family Portal to help parents gauge their child’s academic progress from the prior year to the current year. However, it will not be included on the STAAR Alternate 2 student report card. Student progress on STAAR Alternate 2 Progress Measures will be evaluated in the School Progress and Closing the Gaps domains within the accountability system. Detailed information about the accountability system is available online in the Accountability Manual. This allows campuses and districts to receive credit for students who have made progress even if they have yet to achieve Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance. In this way, the STAAR Alternate 2 progress measure credits the hard work of teachers, campuses, and districts who have helped students improve from one accountability year to the next.