Setting College Prep Course Completion Criteria

What factors determine the completion criteria for college prep courses?

Chapter 2 of the accountability manual states that a student can demonstrate College, Career, and Military Readiness by meeting Texas Success Initiative (TSI) criteria in RLA and Mathematics by successfully completing and earning credit for a college prep course as defined in TEC §28.014 and TEC §51.338.

The manual describes the criteria for successful completion of a college prep course as those determined “in alignment between the local education agency (LEA) and the partnering institution of higher education (IHE).” In other words, an LEA and their partnering IHE(s) should not have a separate or different criteria for successfully completing the course in their MOU.

Further, because “upon successful completion of a college prep course, students earn a TSI exemption from the partnering IHE(s) in that content area”, students should only be reported in PEIMS as successfully completing a college prep course if they have met the TSI exemption requirements agreed upon by the LEA and IHE(s). In other words, if the IHE requires a grade of 75 or above to receive a TSI exemption, then that is the grade the student will need to earn to be reported in PEIMS as successfully completing the course.


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