What are the consequences of having a participation rate less than 95 percent?

What are the consequences of having a participation rate less than 95 percent?

Should the participation rate for the all students group or any student group fall below 95 percent, the denominator used for calculating performance in the Closing the Gaps Academic Achievement component will be adjusted to include the necessary number of assessments to meet the 95 percent threshold. The performance results shown on the Closing the Gaps domain data table account for any adjustments that were made. Below is an example of this adjustment.


Original ELA/Reading Academic Achievement Performance Calculation:

53 assessments at Meets Grade Level or above standard

---divided by---

93 scored assessments that meet accountability subset

(out of the 100 total assessments)


Adjusted ELA/Reading Academic Achievement Performance Calculation:

53 assessments at Meets Grade Level or above standard

---divided by---

95 assessments (93 scored plus 2 absent/other assessments)

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