What's the difference between Not Rated and Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365?

What's the difference between Not Rated and Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365?

Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365 is assigned in 2022 for overall performance to districts and campuses that do not meet the performance target to earn at least a C. 

Not Rated indicates that a district or campus does not receive a rating for one or more of the following reasons:
o The district or campus has no data in the accountability subset.
o The district or campus has insufficient data to assign a rating.
o The district operates only residential facilities.
o The campus is a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP).
o The campus is a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP).
o The campus is a residential facility.
o The commissioner otherwise determines that the district or campus will not be rated.

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